At an artist’s studio - it’s all about the vibe!
Records have stories.
When you share a piece of music you’ve made, it no longer is in your hands. It belongs to the listener, and it is up for their interpretation. Maybe it’s the song they listen to in the car on their way to work, shaking off the events from the day before with a refreshing burst of energy. Or maybe it’s the song they listen to on the airplane leaving home, that small tear that threatens to leave the eye when it’s time to say goodbye to family one more time. Either way, regardless of our intentions, the music we release, although it may be us performing, isn’t really ours once it goes out of our hands. As projects exchange hands and ideas are tweaked in various stages, the record begins to take on its own life.

Production Philosophy
In today’s music market, striking the balance between the familiar and commercially viable and the experimental is the artist’s struggle. Especially as more people are releasing more music than ever before, it becomes important to stand out from the crowd. My philosophy about music production is that it is truly for the artist. I do this by combining elements familiar to your background with the standards of the genre you specialize in. Whether it be alternative RnB with J-Pop chord progressions, hip-hop with chiptune synths, or ballads with experimental electronic elements, I specialize in blending the familiar with the unfamiliar, novel and new for artists who proudly march to the beat of their own drum.
Featured Art

Here’s what clients have to say…
“Jalen is a music producer that excels in his vast knowledge in the technical aspects of music production. He is also a great communicator who is able to contribute his ideas effectively, while simultaneously using influence from his close-collaborators. Jalen tends to bring the best work out of any musician in the room, as he constantly gives his best effort towards music creation; setting an example for those around him to follow.”
“Jalen is literally THE MOST organized producer I know, seriously you will never have to worry about anything of yours getting lost. Because of this, he’s able to work super efficiently while recording because everything is always in its right place. This means less time wasted in the studio and more time sitting back, listening to your finished tracks… All you have to do is work your magic on the mic and let him worry about the rest.”
“I’ve been workin with Jalen since I started my career in the music business. Getting him as a part of my team was one of my biggest benefits of going to New York City. You’re lucky to have Jalen on your team if you’re trying to do this on a professional level!”